Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Animal Clouds, Big Mud Puddles and Love Gardens

Original author unauthenicated.

When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard.
My CHILD see a garden of love and blowing white fluff you can wish on.

When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away.
My CHILD sees someone who deserves a smile and smiles back.

When I hear music I love, I think I can't carry a tune and don't have much rhythm so I sit self-consciously and listen.

My CHILD feels the beat and moves to it, singing out the words. and when really in the grove, my CHILD makes up new words.

When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it. I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk.
My CHILD’s eyes close.., and with arms spread, flies with it, eventuallyfalling to the ground laughing.

When I see a mud puddle I step around it. I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets.
My CHILD sits in it....sees dams to build, rivers to cross, and worms to play with.

When I see clouds in the sky, I mumble “ I hope it doesn’t rain”

My CHILD sees elephants, giraffes and other animals at play.

When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that.

My CHILD says, " Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. I don't want to leave this earth yet, I have more love to share. “

Allow your CHILD remind you of the joys , the blessings and the important parts of life.

Monday, December 22, 2008

YOU are awesome, unique and amazing

Like everyone else, every year I receive several of the same Christmas messages and blessings. Many of these are Powerpoint presentations, videos or poems created by someone else and forwarded over and again.

Some of these messages are wonderful and incite feelings of love and compassion, which to me, is the gift of this season.

One message that floats around during every holiday tells you to compare yourself to others. Such as: If you have (certain things in your life), that someone else doesn’t have …. you should be grateful (that you are not them, have more then them, are doing better off than them, etc).

This message troubles me and as explanation I offer the following:

An excerpt from my recent book on Gratitude:

Dr. Robert A. Emmons, A UC Davis psychologist, conducted a 10 week research in the psychology of gratitude. In one of his studies the participants were asked to list what they were grateful for compared to what they weren’t happy about in their lives. In another study they were asked to list what they were grateful for where thought they were better off than others.

The results showed that those who expressed gratitude without comparing themselves as “better than” were significantly happier than those making comparisons between themselves and others.

From another study at USC on self esteem:

A dangerous silent damage to your feelings of self worth is created and intensified when you compare yourself to being better off or more successful, or more of anything than someone else. By practicing the habit of comparison when you are feeling happy with yourself or your life, you are establishing the foundation for feelings of lack of self worth when you don’t measure up to any comparison in the future. The inherent problem with this habit is that then takes considerably more effort to repair your feeling of lack which can contribute to difficulty in regaining levels of success in chosen areas of your life. A person who can see their unique qualities, success and strengths without the need to compare themselves to anyone other than themselves are found to be emotionally stronger when facing difficult decisions and occurrences.

I wish you all the Happiest of Holidays because YOU are awesome, unique and amazing.

Wishing you PEACE as this year ends; HOPE as the new year begins and LOVE of family and friends.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Born ... again

Many people come into this world knowing they weren’t wanted. Yes, it is a harsh statement, but one that cannot be denied. Sometimes a pregnancy occurs “by accident” and even though the parents accept it, they are far from happy about it. Unknowingly, the mother transmits this information to her unborn child, and often, the child grows into an adult who feels unwanted…never understanding why.

About mid-way through pregnancy, the unborn child starts downloading programs from the mother. For years, we understood that nutrition was passed across the placenta, but never did it occur to us that the mother’s perceptions also made the journey. But the truth is, perceptions about the environment (whether the mother feels safe or at risk) cause biological responses in her body. Chemicals are released into her bloodstream, and that blood travels into the system of the fetus.

When certain chemicals are released into the bloodstream, the cells respond quickly. If fear is involved, the body responds by increasing blood flow to the extremities for the “fight or flight” mode. The primitive brain is flooded with increased blood supply, and systems operated by the more rational mind tend to shut down. In that moment, auto-immune illnesses are filed into the storage bin as future potential problems. The DNA of the fetus adjusts. When the child is finally born, programs have been established that have the potential to cause the child all kinds of problems. Often, such children are physically strong (due to increased blood supply to the arms and legs), but the intelligence quota might not be as high as the child whose mother felt safe and loved. Others may have higher than average intelligence, but experience constant physical and mental problems. Often, these people are plagued with depression and feelings of unworthiness. As you can imagine, different emotional responses in the mother cause different problems for her child. All emotions–brought about due to perceptions– however, leave an imprint on the child. It is easy to see why it becomes so very important for the expectant parents to feel as much love and peace as possible.

The good news is, this damage can be undone. If an adult recognizes that negative programs were downloaded either in the fetal stage or in early childhood, that energy can be removed and re-recorded to better serve the current reality.

It is very important for us to feel safe and loved. Coming from that place, we are biologically enabled to make good choices. The chemicals that tell us all is well are conducive to higher intelligence, sound judgments, good health, peace and acceptance. When we feel protected and appreciated, the immune system operates at the highest level, and the body naturally feels good. During those times, the blood flow increases in the frontal lobe of the brain, causing “feel-good” chemicals to pour into the body’s cells. The good news spreads quickly as the information is shared with all the systems. There is no longer a need to run nor hide. All is well. The cells react by moving back into a healthful state. Healing happens.

No matter what beliefs we took on in early life, we always have the option of changing them. We must find a way to undo those old patterns of feeling unwanted and unloved. If our parents weren’t equipped to handle raising a child, maybe it is time to forgive them. They must have had reasons for feeling that way. The truth is, love is not encased in two parental figures we named Mother and Father. In fact, it cannot be limited to any particular person or persons. If we decide to make ourselves available to love–regardless of what form it takes–we suddenly realize we are immersed in it.

Look around you. Where do you see love in expression? Can you see it in your pet, your children, your neighbors or your friends? Is it found in the wonder of nature or the magnificence of a great idea? Perhaps you have glimpsed it in certain words or in a beautiful smile. Love is showing up all over the place, but maybe you had limitations on where it had to be or how it would look. Let go of those boundaries and see it in the millions of forms it takes. No matter where it expresses, it all comes from the One Source. Recognize it. Feel it. Know you, too, are it.

If you have been living your life feeling unworthy or unwanted, I suggest you decide today will be the day you are reborn. Close your eyes and imagine two angelic beings who have conceived a precious expression of this love they feel. See yourself as the embryo that develops into a fetus, carried in the womb of protection and nurturing. Hear your mother’s voice telling you how much you are loved and wanted. Feel your father’s hand touch the belly that holds your essence. Watch the vibration of health and love flow between your mother and yourself. Know how special you are as the nutrients stimulate the cells of your body to bless you with perfect health. In this feeling of ecstasy, enter this world as a welcomed soul whose birth is blissfully anticipated. See the gratitude in the eyes of your parents and know how deeply you are loved. Let this be the day of your birth…a new day, a new being. You are so loved, so worthy, so wanted.

Now…go forward in this experience and witness the love you’ve been given. See it everywhere, all the time. Accept every morsel you are given, regardless of how it shows up. Gathering the morsels, you accumulate great wealth. You are extraordinarily abundant in every aspect of life. Love is infinite, eternal. It has many faces. It is all the same thing. Step into the flow and accept it.

I stand in awe at the beauty and grandeur of your essence. How lucky you are to be that loved! Angels sing and the word has spread. A grand celebration takes place in unseen dimensions. The buzz is all about what great things you will do. No where has there ever been a birth so celebrated. We watch and applaud your successes. When you start to feel alone or afraid, we hover around you, fluttering wings in hopes you will remember who you are…how loved you are.

Today is a new day…a new beginning. You are surrounded by the gift of Presence that shows how much you are wanted. Never again doubt it. You are loved.

Original post from , reposted with permission

Monday, December 8, 2008

Expressing Gratitude

more about "Expressing Gratitude", posted with vodpod

Sunday, November 23, 2008

FREE DVD - You Can Heal Your Life with Louise Hay


LOUISE HAY, the pioneer who taught us the metaphysical causes behind myriad physical ailments and how to apply positive affirmations, is the subject of an important documentary film entitled YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE. This film, which offers an intimate look into Louise Hay's moving and inspirational life story, shares her views on self-esteem, abundance and healing.

In this entertaining film, Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, Gay Hendricks, and Cheryl Richardson, share their personal stories about the impact Louise Hay has had on their lives.

YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE is the feature film in the Vol. 12, 2008 collection of films from the Spiritual Cinema Circle, the only DVD club specializing in films that inspire love and compassion. Receive YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE plus 3 great short films free (plus nominal shipping fee) by visiting before December 12, 2008.

"Louise Hay was the catalyst to my becoming aware of the importance of being good to me. The horribly unkind voice in my head constantly criticized me until I began to understand that I was the power behind my good health and happiness just by the thoughts I think and the words that I speak." Mariel Hemingway, Spiritual Cinema Circle Co-Host

It's a limited time offer to get the free Heal Your Life DVD. You must respond before December 12th.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grateful for readers who share

With each book I write, I hope my message reaches at least one person who was looking for it. When I released “It Works with Simple Keys”, I received feedback on how the Simple Keys helped people to understand the simple message.

This month I release another new book with a catchy title: The “G” Spot, The ecstasy of life through Gratitude. Its message is for the cynic the hopeless, the happy and the already grateful, because I believe we all have those varied emotions and attitudes at some point in our lives. (sometimes in the same day)

The feedback that has been posted on the blog and emailed to me is beautiful. People are sharing the depth of their understanding, and, since we all learn together, it helps us all including me.

I didn’t write this book alone, there are several co-contributors who stepped up courageously and shared their stories and tips on how to experience genuine gratitude. I share these comments to honor those people who walked the journey of this book with me and made the message on the pages come alive in these hearts.

“I do not recall the last time I read a book on Gratitude that stimulated me to think about my opinions and behaviors. I especially liked the section about the integrity of my words of gratitude. I too have said for years that I am grateful for my health but at the same time I am doing some things that undermine my health. I am overweight, and I don’t exercise, and sometimes I drink too much alcohol. I do have physical ailments that my doctor correlates to my unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle. So when reading this chapter I had to be honest with myself if I was really grateful for my health, or grateful that my unhealthy habits weren't making my health any worse than it is. I’m not ready to change my eating and no exercise habits, but I am ready to be honest with myself.”

“I never asked why and now I do. I write grocery lists because I don’t want to forget what I need for my recipe, I write to do lists so I can see how much I have to do, and now when I write my Gratitude list I can really see the depth of my gratitude and why.”

“I like the part about me being a hero.”

“This book is written with such honesty and compassion. In these pages I saw myself through the other people’s stories and ways that I can find the real genuine gratitude in my life. I was taught that I was supposed to be grateful for everything or I was disrespecting God. This book showed me how my honesty with my gratitude is the greater respect. Thank you”

“I bought this book because a friend recommended it. And then when I bought the book, I got some amazing free gifts too. 2008 has been a difficult year for me and it’s been tough to find much to be grateful for. With each chapter in this book, I feel a new charge of energy. I see where I can take baby steps when I feel overwhelmed by my circumstances. This is the first time I have written so many notes in a book when I read it. I have written so much on the journal pages that I had to buy a new journal. It’s helping me find the authentic me. I am genuinely grateful for this book.”

"What a wonderful intimate journey into my own understanding and knowingness."

“Only a mother can know another mother’s pain. Losing a child can cloud how you see life. I felt so alone when I lost my son, and there didn’t seem to be anyone around that understood what I was going through. I felt lost because I couldn’t make my son better. I feel crushed under the weight of these feelings. When I read The Lioness Appears, “Within the sea of Gratitude, fear dissipates and a lioness erupts.” I sobbed for a long time. I didn’t see myself as being a strong person during his last days, I didn’t see anything to be grateful for, because I felt so helpless. Just reading this chapter connects me to one other mother who lost her son, but found her strength and her story is helping me find mine. Thank you for sharing her lioness experience.”

“I love how Be Not Afraid fits with being Grateful. I am really looking forward to reading the newsletters.”

“Colors have a deeper meaning for me now. What beautiful insight and inspiration”

“I love so many parts of this book. The chapter with the white paint gives me a new perception of my journey through a painful spot in my life. Thank you.”

You can read more about this book from a link on the book announcement page:

After you read the book, I look forward to hearing your experiences.

Wishing you a life filled with genuine Gratitude.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not your typical book about Gratitude

Not your typical book about gratitude.

This book is for the cynic, the hopeless, the happy and the already grateful.

Do you have an opinion, a belief in gratitude or a passionate knowing?

Were you taught how to be grateful, or was it a lesson you learned through experience?

People fake many things in life and some even fake gratitude.

Are you enjoying the deep ecstasy of gratitude in your life?

":As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~ John F. Kennedy ~

How do you live by your words of Gratitude?

TESTIMONIAL: "Congruency of gratitude and actions --
the section with 'Mom's' words was an eye opener."
~Janis Murphy, Lexington, MO ~

Research for this book repeatedly discovered that passionately genuine gratitude is only possible when you understand your own motivations and what is important to you.

TESTIMONIAL: "What a wonderful intimate journey
into my own understanding and knowingness."
~ Brenda Clark, Phoenix, AZ ~

This book includes comments and contributions from courageous people who were willing to share their intimate understanding of how genuine gratitude fits in their life.

Co-contributors: Whitney Allen, Monica Burnert, Catherine "CC" Collier, Veronica Davina, Michelle Granger, Lorraine Jackson, Ann Hill, Jacqueline Johns, Lou Paget, Kelly Phillips, Marcie Taylor, Dr. Bunny Vreeland, Glennie Wilburn

Click here for book excerpts and introduction.

TESTIMONIAL: "Colors have a deeper meaning for me now.
What beautiful insight and inspiration"
~ Caroline Palmer, Vancouver, B.C., Canada ~

The message in this book invites you on a self discovery journey sometimes through other perspectives and opinions.

"This is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way." ~ Doris Lessing ~

TESTIMONIAL: "One mother's experience was what I needed to read.
It helped me with my own loss, and shined a light
on how and where I could find the healing energy of genuine gratitude."
~ Tracy Purcel, NYC ~

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Discover Yourself

There are many people who feel a sense of low self esteem because they feel like they have failed on their life or they do not measure up to other people. Reacting to life feeling like a failure will continue to bring you experiences that you label failures.

“I never failed once. It just happened to be a 2000-step process.”
~ Thomas Edison ~

Walt Disney had a passionate desire to pursue a career in commercial art, which is how he began his original experiments in animation. He started by producing short animated films for local businesses in Kansas City. By the time Walt had started to create The Alice Comedies, which was about a real girl and her adventures in an animated world, he ran out of money. His company at the time. Laugh-O-Grams went bankrupt. Instead of giving up, Walt packed his suitcase and with his unfinished print of The Alice Comedies in hand, headed for Hollywood to start a new business. It was Walt Disney’s enthusiasm and faith in himself and others that took him straight to the top of Hollywood society. Walt Disney's dream of a clean and organized amusement park also came true when Disneyland Park in Anaheim opened in 1955.

Wally Amos opened his first Famous Amos store, with cookies based on his aunt's recipe which he baked himself. Within 10 years his sales had grown to more than $10 million. Due to financial troubles, Amos was forced to sell the Famous Amos Company, and trademarked name "Famous Amos". Turning adversity into opportunity, Amos launched a new cookie venture, The Uncle Noname's Cookie Company. With America's tastes shifting towards healthier foods, the company focused on fat-free, nutritious muffins at that time. Uncle Noname ultimately became Uncle Wally's Muffin Company in 1999. The muffins are sold in more than 3,500 stores nationwide.

Dr. Seuss’ first book was rejected by over 27 publishers. He had a fleeting thought to burn the manuscript. Instead he sent it out one more time.

The authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul were told by numerous publishers that “the title was too stupid” and that their book was “too positive”.

What if you didn't get that job, or didn't make that sale, or didn't accomplish what you wanted?

When this happens, many people will mistakenly think they are wrong, or they can’t do it, are not good enough or other destructive thoughts. Every result either takes you directly closer to your desires, or it has an answer for your next step.

There are many true stories of how so many successful people have experienced failure and how they bounced back.

Start 2 lists: (1) One LIST of those projects you have started and completed successfully. (2) Another LIST of those projects that you once labeled as failures that eventually showed themselves as an answer for your next step.

By doing these two lists, you may find yourself starting to feel differently about yourself and your results in your life.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The power of the "impossible" being turned into the "amazing"

Recently Oprah showed amazing animals on her show. One dog had only his two hind feet and he walked upright like a human.

At least once a week I get an email from someone forwarding this story with photos of the dog and how amazing the dog is.

I agree the dog is amazing. He’s healthy, happy and inspiring.

The emails are only telling part of the story. There is a loving and powerful part that made this possible.

When this dog was a puppy, the vet said to put him down because he would wear out his chest skin dragging himself along the floor.

It was his human caregivers that would not give up on him.

The humans taught him how to walk on his hind legs.

They gave him encouragement and helped him when he struggled.

They treated him like he was special and rewarded him often.

His companions do not see him as different they do see him as special.

He doesn't see himself as different - he sees himself as himself.

It shows the power of what can happen when someone sees in another being the potential instead of the problem.

It shows the power of what can happen when someone loves enough to help another up to their feet.

It shows the power of the "impossible" being turned into the "amazing" .

Sunday, October 5, 2008


No matter when it’s circulated, or who is actually the original author (all references currently say Anonymous) this is a story to think about and then apply the message – SEIZE THE MOMENT. – everyday.

I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: SEIZE THE MOMENT.

Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet.

Too many
people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, don’t have it on their schedule, didn’t know it was coming, or are too rigid to depart from their routine.

I got to thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back on calories. From then on, I’ve tried to be a little more flexible.

How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn’t suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word “refrigeration” mean nothing to you?
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched Jeopardy or Dancing with the Stars on television?

I cannot co
unt the times I called my sister and said, “How about going to lunch in a half hour?” She would gasp and stammer, “I can’t.”
Check one:
”I have clothes on the line.”
”My hair is dirty.”
”I wish I had known yesterday.”
”I had a late breakfast.”
”It looks like rain.”
And my personal favorite: “It’s Monday.”

She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together.

Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect. We’ll go back and visit t
he grandparents when we get the baby toilet-trained. We’ll entertain when we replace the living room carpet. We’ll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.

Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves
gets longer. One morning we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of “I’m going to,” “I plan on” and “Someday, when things are settled down a bit...”

When anyone calls my ‘seize the moment’ friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minu
tes, and you’re ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of roller blades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips had not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It’s just that I might as well apply it directly to my hips with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.

Now...go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to.... Not something on your SHOULD DO list.



Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Answers in Comedy

Today on the Degeneres show, in her opening monologue, Ellen talked about being happy and staying positive:

"People say it’s important to be happy and to stay positive.

And I’ll tell you that sounds easy; you say it, and its easy to say, but it is hard to do.

And especially right now, it’s a very stressful time in the world.

It helps to surround yourself with positive people.

When we are positive and happy here’s what happens.

Endorphins rush through our system, I’m no scientist but I know what endorphins are. They are tiny little magical elves and they swim through your blood steam, and they tell funny jokes to each other. and when they reach your brain you can hear what they are saying.

And it boosts your health and happiness

Little endorphin ...
Little Endorphin who?
Little Endorphin Annie

And the endorphins laugh and you laugh."

Did you laugh?

I agree that it is important to:

1.Surround yourself with positive people

2. Laugh

3. Repeat

source channel 4, los angeles

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You make the difference!

Some people get involved because "they want to make a better world"...
Others do it because "it looks good on their resume"...
Some people have "had an experience that motivates them"....
Some do it, because "they are concerned about their Karma"...
Others do it, "because it's the right thing to do:..

Whatever your reason or motivation to get involved...

You make the difference!

"Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds."
~ President Bill Clinton ~

"A pessimist, they say, sees a glass of water as being half empty; an optimist sees the same glass as half full. But a giving person sees a glass of water and starts looking for someone who might be thirsty. "
~ G. Donald Gale~

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Making a difference

One person can make a difference.

As you watch this, feel how much difference is created with a smile and a dance.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Woo Hoo

Life is NOT meant to be a journey to the grave
with the intention of arriving safely,
attractively coiffed,
perfectly manicured,
body weak and stymied,
wings down and tail dragging under,
but rather to skid in sideways,
hair flying in your wave,
wings fully un-furled,
chest up, eyes sparkling,
chocolate in one hand,
wine in the other,
body thoroughly enjoyed,
totally worn out
and screaming

WOO HOO what a ride!!

Original author unknown, circulated for years through the internet.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Be Aware of Routine Influences

When you commit to making a change in your life, by focusing on your desires and dedicating yourself to having them, you must also be aware of the routine influences in your life.

What music do you listen to? When you listen, how do you feel? What words echo in your mind?

If you are tempted to say “its only words, no big deal”. Think about this: If someone called you stupid, ugly or fat or slanderous and insulting words against your character, or worse – would they only be words?

Words have power over you - or words can work for you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Learn from a champion

For years in my presentations and in my book It Works with Simple Keys, I stress the importance of writing down your goals, envisioning them and taking action.

This year Michael Phelps revealed how he had a piece of paper, his intention list in his bedroom and after his remarkable wins at the Olympics in an interview with Bob Costas: “What was on that much talked about piece of paper? You wish lost or your intention list?”

Phelps:” I think you saw it. It was all there, I think the only difference was the 200 fly, but other than that everything was pretty close to, pretty close to identical to what was written on the piece of paper.”

When you write down your goals and desires onto paper, and you embody them - your potential to achieve them substantially increases.

Phelps talks about using his imagination to fuel his goals:” The biggest thing that I've been thankful for is that I have been able to use my imagination. When some people said it's not possible and it can't be done, I think that's when my imagination came into play.

"I think it really shows that no matter what you set your imagination to, anything can happen. If you dream as big as you can dream, anything is possible. I saw so many quotes saying it's impossible to duplicate it, it won't happen. It just shows you that anything can happen.

So after writing it down, and envisioning it – he did another critical step: He took action, he trained.

Phelps: “ I’ve been able to have a lot of hard work and Bob (his coach) and I have gone through a lot together. It's all paid off."

One more behavior he adopted was to only share his goals with the one person he trusted to maintain that vision (His coach). Doing this he could prevent naysayers from attempting to tell him why it couldn’t be accomplished and perhaps this also helped him to replace the message a middle-school English teacher once told him that he would never be successful.

Write it down
Read it daily – envision it
Take action
Accomplish your dreams

Monday, August 18, 2008

Express Gratitude

Some people say “I’ll be grateful when (fill in the blank) happens, or I get (fill in the blank), or when this (fill in the blank) does what I want…..”

If we hold Gratitude hostage until we get what we want we may never truly express Gratitude. You will be so focused on what you don’t have, that even when you get something you said you would be grateful for if it happened or you got it, you fly right on by Gratitude to your next wanting or next compliant.

Before doing anything else today, stop and take out a clean sheet of paper. Forget about what you think are problems or the work you think you have to do right now.

Take these next few minutes to recharge yourself.

Write down 3 things that you are honestly grateful for - right now in your day. Think beyond the platitudes or your usual response and find 3 gifts in life. Was it a friend who called at just the right time, a favorite food that was in the refrigerator, traffic that was in your favor on your way to work?

That's all - now continue with your day.

Just maybe, you might feel a little differently than you did before doing this exercise.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Chicken and the Eagle

One day, a naturalist who was passing by a chicken farm was struck with curiosity.

He noticed an eagle, the king of all birds, living among the chickens.

He asked the farmer, "Why do you have this eagle confined to live in the barnyard with the chickens?" "Since I have given it chicken feed and trained it to be a chicken, it has never learned to fly," replied the farmer. "It behaves as chickens behave, so it is no longer an eagle." "Still," insisted the naturalist, "it has the heart of an eagle and can surely be taught to fly."

After talking it over, the two men agreed to find out whether this was possible. Gently, the naturalist took the eagle in his arms and said, "You belong to the sky and not the earth. Stretch forth your wings and fly."

The eagle, however, was confused; he did not know who he was. He was comfortable with his life and was content with the farmer providing his food and being in the company of the chickens. Seeing the chickens eating their food, he jumped down to be with them again.

Undismayed, the naturalist took the eagle on the following day up on the roof of the house and urged him again, saying, "You are an eagle. Stretch forth your wings and fly." But the eagle was afraid of his unknown self. He was afraid of the world he did not know. He was scared to fly. He jumped down once more for the chicken food.

On the next day, the naturalist rose early and took the eagle out of the barnyard to a high mountain. There he held the king of birds high above him and encouraged him again, saying, "You are an eagle. You belong to the sky as well as to the earth. Stretch forth your wings now and fly." The eagle looked back toward the barnyard. Then he looked up to the sky. He still did not fly. Then the naturalist lifted him straight toward the sun. The eagle looked up to the sky and began to tremble. Slowly he began to stretch his wings. He looked back once more to the barnyard and then fixed his gaze toward the sky.

At last . . . . With a triumphant cry he soared into the heavens.

From that moment on, the eagle was living life as an eagle.

Now it may be that the eagle still remembers the chickens with a certain fondness and nostalgia. It may even be that he occasionally revisits the barnyard. But as far as anyone knows, he has never returned to the barnyard to live the life of a chicken. He truly was an eagle, even though he had lived the life of a chicken.

Just like this eagle . . . . . people who have learned to think of themselves as something they are not can re-decide in favor of what they really are.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What are your personal values?

A person's got to have a code,
a creed to live by
~ John Wayne ~

In general, personal values evolve from circumstances with the external world and these can change over time. For many generations, most of us learned our values - sometimes referred to as morals, from parents, teachers and religious leaders. Family, country, generation, experience, historical environment and your perception of all of these, may also have an influence on the values you adopted. As we participated in life, the influence over our choice of values may have changed. Today, television, news opinions and the opinions of others, may have an influence over your choice of values.

Love, courage, bravery, honesty, integrity and compassion are examples of values. Many people are taught that certain behaviors have value and these behaviors also show value to ourselves and others.

Your personal values are implicitly related to choice - your choice, and they guide your decisions.

Do you keep them, or compromise them in order to get what you want in the moment or event? Do you ignore them in an attempt to make another person happy or influence someone else?

Anytime we compromise our personal values, for whatever reason, we are damaging our self-image and our self-esteem, as well as comprising our results. Some times this is referred to as “selling out” or “selling your soul”.

In order to be empowered by your values, you must be clear what they are. The more you recognize and honor your personal values, the more your self esteem benefits, your feelings of self value increase and the world sees the best of you.

What do your stand for?

What is important to you in your life?

What is important to you in a mate?

What is important to you in profession, your job or career?

Are you living the values that motivate you to feel good about yourself?

Right now, can you write down your 5 highest non-compromisable values?
These values that you will honor – no matter what ! No disclaimers or exceptions.

This can be tricky for some people. Some will write that "honesty" is one of their values. However, does this mean all the time, or to everyone except telemarketers and the IRS? Non-compromisable values are those values that you will honor without disclaimers or exceptions.

If you can start with only one - that's a start. If you don't have one, then choose the one you are willing to have and honor and start there. If you can write a list and know deep in your gut that you are honoring these values, then honor yourself for your commitment to your values and yourself.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Living your life through Gratitude

"Living your life through Gratitude, is seeing that the world would be missing something very valuable if you were not in it”

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Unconditional Gratitude

"Look into the eyes of a devoted animal companion and you will see the pure unconditional Gratitude they feel for the opportunity they have to unconditionally love you."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

positive change

"In order for positive change to occur, individuals must be willing to stand up, speak up and take action."