Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Answers in Comedy

Today on the Degeneres show, in her opening monologue, Ellen talked about being happy and staying positive:

"People say it’s important to be happy and to stay positive.

And I’ll tell you that sounds easy; you say it, and its easy to say, but it is hard to do.

And especially right now, it’s a very stressful time in the world.

It helps to surround yourself with positive people.

When we are positive and happy here’s what happens.

Endorphins rush through our system, I’m no scientist but I know what endorphins are. They are tiny little magical elves and they swim through your blood steam, and they tell funny jokes to each other. and when they reach your brain you can hear what they are saying.

And it boosts your health and happiness

Little endorphin ...
Little Endorphin who?
Little Endorphin Annie

And the endorphins laugh and you laugh."

Did you laugh?

I agree that it is important to:

1.Surround yourself with positive people

2. Laugh

3. Repeat

source channel 4, los angeles

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