Some people say “I’ll be grateful when (fill in the blank) happens, or I get (fill in the blank), or when this (fill in the blank) does what I want…..”
If we hold Gratitude hostage until we get what we want we may never truly express Gratitude. You will be so focused on what you don’t have, that even when you get something you said you would be grateful for if it happened or you got it, you fly right on by Gratitude to your next wanting or next compliant.
Before doing anything else today, stop and take out a clean sheet of paper. Forget about what you think are problems or the work you think you have to do right now.
Take these next few minutes to recharge yourself.
Write down 3 things that you are honestly grateful for - right now in your day. Think beyond the platitudes or your usual response and find 3 gifts in life. Was it a friend who called at just the right time, a favorite food that was in the refrigerator, traffic that was in your favor on your way to work?
That's all - now continue with your day.
Just maybe, you might feel a little differently than you did before doing this exercise.
If we hold Gratitude hostage until we get what we want we may never truly express Gratitude. You will be so focused on what you don’t have, that even when you get something you said you would be grateful for if it happened or you got it, you fly right on by Gratitude to your next wanting or next compliant.
Before doing anything else today, stop and take out a clean sheet of paper. Forget about what you think are problems or the work you think you have to do right now.
Take these next few minutes to recharge yourself.
Write down 3 things that you are honestly grateful for - right now in your day. Think beyond the platitudes or your usual response and find 3 gifts in life. Was it a friend who called at just the right time, a favorite food that was in the refrigerator, traffic that was in your favor on your way to work?
That's all - now continue with your day.
Just maybe, you might feel a little differently than you did before doing this exercise.
Sometimes its really hard to find anyting to be grateful about when your lfie seems to be going all wrong. I did this technique after I heard you explain it at a luncheon in San Diego. It was hard ar first to find three things to be grateful for, but I did it and I still am every day. Some days I only get three and some days I have more. Either way, the bad stuff seems more tolerable and I can see more good stuff.
Oh dear, that's been me so many time. I moved recently and everything seemed to go wrong. I kept saying I'll be grateful when this move is over. Then the move was over and I started saying, I'll be grateful when everything is unpacked and put away. I was going right on by gratitude just like you said. Three of my friends sent me to this post. It was embarrassing to see my actins in print. Time for a change.
It was harder than I thought to come of with three significant things to be grateful for. Afterwards I felt very proud of myself and found myself smiling for no reason.
Thanks for the easy reminder.
Right after I identified three, a few more quickly showed up.
Thanks for the luncheon presentation on Gratitude. I learned it is sure more than just saying the same old words all the time. Thanks for helping me better understand how gratitude makes a difference in my life.
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