Each year people have a reaction to the transition of one year to the next. Some people are happy with their results. Others want something to change. Some people exceeded their goals and are excited for their next results. Others are struggling to make ends meet, find love, drop those extra pounds. Some will be glad the year is over. Some will end the year with regrets.
What does 2009 hold for you? Will it be more of the same or are you looking for a change? Even those who are happy with their results in 2008, many would still like something new or a change in something in the coming year.New Years Eve is the re-start of many old habits.
2009 can be your best year ever ! Great tips and free downloads are here to get you started.
Tip #1:
Don't make New Years resolutions this year. Make your acknowledgment list instead.
Studies show that for a sales person, the best time to make a sale is right after you made one. The best time to create another success in your life, is right after you have just experienced one.
Why is that? It is because your energy is now focused on success, feeling good about what you just accomplished and you are feeling a "success high". So then it would make sense that the most difficult time to set new goals or resolutions is when you are not feeling confident, not feeling proud of your accomplishments or not feeling successful. Yet this lack of success is what most people are feeling when they set New Year resolutions. This seems to be one answer to the question as to why over 75% of people give up on their new resolutions after only a couple of weeks. Start your New Year with a "success high" and propel your self towards greater success in 2009. Start by NOT making New Years resolutions this year and making an acknowledgment list instead.
the more accomplishments you will recognize." ~ Brenda Stuart ~
Click here to download a free copy
of Acknowledgment Journal Sheets
Tip #2
Write your list with what you are happy you did, are proud of yourself for or something you accomplished this past year.
Then do something else with this list. We are so conditioned by society that we must have more; that more is better. We rush to make our lists longer, and in the process we lose the depth. Rather than quickly writing a list (usually by habit), and putting it away, choose one item from your list– and really take all the time to feel all of the joy and passion that is connected to and within it.
Feel and seek to understand WHY this is important to you, why you are proud of yourself, why this accomplishment is a milestone or a success for you. Stay with that one item all day. Think about it, feel it, understand your reasons for acknowledging yourself for it.
The next day choose another one from your list. Get to know the deepest parts of yourself through your choices of self acknowledgement.
What is your ONE today?
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