Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Born ... again

Many people come into this world knowing they weren’t wanted. Yes, it is a harsh statement, but one that cannot be denied. Sometimes a pregnancy occurs “by accident” and even though the parents accept it, they are far from happy about it. Unknowingly, the mother transmits this information to her unborn child, and often, the child grows into an adult who feels unwanted…never understanding why.

About mid-way through pregnancy, the unborn child starts downloading programs from the mother. For years, we understood that nutrition was passed across the placenta, but never did it occur to us that the mother’s perceptions also made the journey. But the truth is, perceptions about the environment (whether the mother feels safe or at risk) cause biological responses in her body. Chemicals are released into her bloodstream, and that blood travels into the system of the fetus.

When certain chemicals are released into the bloodstream, the cells respond quickly. If fear is involved, the body responds by increasing blood flow to the extremities for the “fight or flight” mode. The primitive brain is flooded with increased blood supply, and systems operated by the more rational mind tend to shut down. In that moment, auto-immune illnesses are filed into the storage bin as future potential problems. The DNA of the fetus adjusts. When the child is finally born, programs have been established that have the potential to cause the child all kinds of problems. Often, such children are physically strong (due to increased blood supply to the arms and legs), but the intelligence quota might not be as high as the child whose mother felt safe and loved. Others may have higher than average intelligence, but experience constant physical and mental problems. Often, these people are plagued with depression and feelings of unworthiness. As you can imagine, different emotional responses in the mother cause different problems for her child. All emotions–brought about due to perceptions– however, leave an imprint on the child. It is easy to see why it becomes so very important for the expectant parents to feel as much love and peace as possible.

The good news is, this damage can be undone. If an adult recognizes that negative programs were downloaded either in the fetal stage or in early childhood, that energy can be removed and re-recorded to better serve the current reality.

It is very important for us to feel safe and loved. Coming from that place, we are biologically enabled to make good choices. The chemicals that tell us all is well are conducive to higher intelligence, sound judgments, good health, peace and acceptance. When we feel protected and appreciated, the immune system operates at the highest level, and the body naturally feels good. During those times, the blood flow increases in the frontal lobe of the brain, causing “feel-good” chemicals to pour into the body’s cells. The good news spreads quickly as the information is shared with all the systems. There is no longer a need to run nor hide. All is well. The cells react by moving back into a healthful state. Healing happens.

No matter what beliefs we took on in early life, we always have the option of changing them. We must find a way to undo those old patterns of feeling unwanted and unloved. If our parents weren’t equipped to handle raising a child, maybe it is time to forgive them. They must have had reasons for feeling that way. The truth is, love is not encased in two parental figures we named Mother and Father. In fact, it cannot be limited to any particular person or persons. If we decide to make ourselves available to love–regardless of what form it takes–we suddenly realize we are immersed in it.

Look around you. Where do you see love in expression? Can you see it in your pet, your children, your neighbors or your friends? Is it found in the wonder of nature or the magnificence of a great idea? Perhaps you have glimpsed it in certain words or in a beautiful smile. Love is showing up all over the place, but maybe you had limitations on where it had to be or how it would look. Let go of those boundaries and see it in the millions of forms it takes. No matter where it expresses, it all comes from the One Source. Recognize it. Feel it. Know you, too, are it.

If you have been living your life feeling unworthy or unwanted, I suggest you decide today will be the day you are reborn. Close your eyes and imagine two angelic beings who have conceived a precious expression of this love they feel. See yourself as the embryo that develops into a fetus, carried in the womb of protection and nurturing. Hear your mother’s voice telling you how much you are loved and wanted. Feel your father’s hand touch the belly that holds your essence. Watch the vibration of health and love flow between your mother and yourself. Know how special you are as the nutrients stimulate the cells of your body to bless you with perfect health. In this feeling of ecstasy, enter this world as a welcomed soul whose birth is blissfully anticipated. See the gratitude in the eyes of your parents and know how deeply you are loved. Let this be the day of your birth…a new day, a new being. You are so loved, so worthy, so wanted.

Now…go forward in this experience and witness the love you’ve been given. See it everywhere, all the time. Accept every morsel you are given, regardless of how it shows up. Gathering the morsels, you accumulate great wealth. You are extraordinarily abundant in every aspect of life. Love is infinite, eternal. It has many faces. It is all the same thing. Step into the flow and accept it.

I stand in awe at the beauty and grandeur of your essence. How lucky you are to be that loved! Angels sing and the word has spread. A grand celebration takes place in unseen dimensions. The buzz is all about what great things you will do. No where has there ever been a birth so celebrated. We watch and applaud your successes. When you start to feel alone or afraid, we hover around you, fluttering wings in hopes you will remember who you are…how loved you are.

Today is a new day…a new beginning. You are surrounded by the gift of Presence that shows how much you are wanted. Never again doubt it. You are loved.

Original post from http://godisaverb.com/blog , reposted with permission

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